Research Opportunities
Welcome potential high-calibre applicants to Join Now.
The following positions will be offered in the Center of Biomass Materials and Nanointerfaces (BMI Center) - Guo Research Group in the School of Biomass Science and Engineering at the Sichuan University China.
The successful new group members will benefit from our state-of-the-art research facilities, a strong commitment to career development, and a vibrant, collaborative research enterprise at BMI Center.
- Undergraduate research student
- Master and Ph.D. postgraduate
- Postdoctoral position
- Full-time or part-time research assistant
- Visiting fellow at a variety of levels
The Ph.D. and above appointees will mentor undergraduate and graduate students and conduct high-quality research projects.
Potential high-calibre applicants can request further information and forward their resumes, along with their academic results, to Prof. Junling Guo at junling.guo(at)scu.edu.cn.